VTAM exits- ISTAUCAG - Calculates and records time during which a terminal user or an application program is logged onto an application program
- ISTAUCAT - Validates a logon request to an application program
- ISTEXCVR - Provides ACF/VTAM® with an ordered list of virtual routes for path selection to transmit data through network
- ISTINCDT - User supplies supplementary tables to session-link unformatted system services (USS) table which ACF/VTAM uses to handle command input and message output
- ISTINCLM - User can change IBM-supplied logon mode table which contains parameters representing protocols for telecommunications session or user can supply supplementary tables
- ISTINCNO - User supplies supplementary tables to operation-level USS tables which handle commands from an ACF/VTAM operator and messages to an ACF/VTAM operator
- ISTMGC00 - Communication network management (CNM) table routes unsolicited network service requests to application programs to record and report maintenance statistics
- ISTPUCWC - Virtual route pacing window size calculator specifies limits to data flow through a network to avoid congestion in nodes along a virtual route
- ISTRACON - Module containing constants used to control functions not suitable for modification by operator command or start option