Latest Software updates
- 2020-01-31 - RA/7 VERSION 3.4 - RSL ABEND due to z/OS 2.4 - CSA fix soon available
- 2019-03-13 - RA/2 VERSION 3.1.2 - supports all RACF IRRDBU00 records up to version z/OS 2.3
- 2018-05-27 - New RA/2 real-time console message monitor (FIL$CN60) e.g. routing RACF or any console messages to syslog servers like SPLUNK®
- 2018-01-17 - RA/8 V3.0.1 updated due to licensing issues
- 2018-01-10 - RA2002 V3.7.6 updated due to licensing issues
- 2017-12-21 - RA/7 Version 4.2.0 - fixes the S684 Abend under ISPF due to IBM module changes in IFASMFDP/DL (IRRADU00)
- 2017-08-19 - RA2FM zSS Version 7.9.9 supports now as well SQLs.
- 2016-07-04 - RA/7 Version 4.0.1 - updated with the new event codes 85-89. All event codes updated to reflect new field names in IRRADU00. Status as per z/OS 2.2 . The +FORMAT6 control card prints the RACF command event codes in a different format.
- 2015-06-01 - RA2FM Version 5 updates
- 2014-11-19 - RA2002 V3.7.4-D - full replaces V.3.7.4.C - fixes ABEND S0C4 option 10/11 HFS UID/GID display
- 2014-09-17 - RA2002 V3.7.4-C - new tools to perform access simulation in batch mode - DEB$RISC and DEB$TRAN. Fixes to DEB$0000 to support USOMVS_MEMLIMIT and USOMVS_SHMEMAX,
- 2014-04-11 - RA2FM - Release 1.8.7 - with STIG and many other enhancements
- 2013-12-25 - RA2FM - Release 1.5.5 - massive extensions e.g. supporting DCOLLECT, RMM, CA1, ICF Catalogs, PARMLIB infos with its RACF protection details.
- 2013-10-12 - RA2FM - Release 1.4.0 - with SMF event=access support; Group tree; additional table views; Statistics; DSMON & User Report support
- 2013-10-12 - RA2FM - Release 1.3.7
- 2013-10-07 - Official release of RA2FM - a new RACF tool which works for Windows, OSX Apple Mac and the famous iPAD
- 2013-01-01 - RA2002 Version 3.7.3 refreshed with DEB$HF10 allowing to print HFS/ZFS entries including ACL's
- 2012-06-26 - RA2002 Version 3.7.3 refreshed with DEB$DAC1/DEB$RAC1 due to 878-10 abend. The number of supported ACLS per RACF profile has been reduced to 256 to avoid abends. Thus allowing to check on more than one class and its profiles and associated ACLS.
- 2011-09-06 - RA2002 Version 3.7.3 refreshed with DEB$DAC1/DEB$RAC1 modules allowing to identify duplicate access list(s)
- 2010-11-01 - RA/2 Version 2.9.5 - z/OS SMF logstream support under ISPF option 40
- 2010-10-15 - RA/7 Version 3.5.3 - z/OS RACF report writer - supporting SMF log stream files in batch and under ISPF.
- 2010-10-04 - RA2002.V3R7M3(C) - trap/archive your batch job output(JCL/SYSOUT) e.g. to your personal file archive without the need of an output management system. This may be of value e.g. to keep generated SYSOUT of your RACF batch jobs in a GDG. Refer to the SAMPLIB(DEB$JLOB / DEB$JLOZ). DEB$JLOG works under ESA up to z/OS. DEB$JLOZ uses the SSI 80 interface, as of z/OS 1.10, to trap the output. These programs are used as a last jobstep in a batch program.
- 2010-09-12 - RA2002.V3R7M3(C) - Included is a new z/OS Operlog facility to list all or specific messages e.g. RACF ICH408I or any others. A sample can be found in the supplied SAMPLIB(OPR$XL10).
- 2010-08-14 - RA/2 V2.9.4 Force a new RACF password even it existed before in the password history. An interval value can be changed as well from 0-255. These enhancements to RA/2 2.9 are fully RACF protected. Refer to TSO command RA4$RESP.
- 2010-07-27 - RA2002.V3R7M3 Various enhancements - please refer to the manual and the SAMPLIB.
- 2010-07-14 - RA2002 V3.7.3 enhancements to PGM=DBU$0000 to support line overflow for large fields
- 2010-07-08 - RA/7 V3.5.2 updates to the new LRECL and SMFPRMxx EXIT support (SMFDLEXIT/SMFDPEXIT definitions)
- 2010-06-30 - RA/2 V2.9.3 (replaces V2.9.2 due to download problems)
- 2010-06-17 - RA2002.TCPV110 - first release of WebRACF - RACF© Administration via a web browser
- 2010-05-29 - RA2002.V3R7M2 - Access reporting - supports MANx, Logger or flat files (PGM=SMF$XT60)
- 2010-05-02 - RA2002.V3R7M1 - Audit LPA,LNK and APF datasets e.g. who updated these privileged files (PGM=SMF$XT50)
- 2010-04-12 - RA2002.V3R7M0 - release of universal table styled reports for all IRRDBU00 record types (PGM=DBU$0000).
- 2010-04-08 - RA2002.V3R7M0 - IRRICE items migrated for those who do not have ICETOOL available Refer to DEB$IDxx modules in RA2002.SAMPLIB.