The NEW z/OS SECURITY Report Writer supporting events up to z/OS 2.3
The product works the same as per RA/7 Version 3.5.3 - The RA/7 SMF exits must be defined in SMFPRMxx.
AS OF Z/OS 1.13 and higher - THE IBM MODULE IRRADU00 has a RACROUTE imbedded due to code page issues. This created an Abend S684 under ISPF. With RA/7 Version 4.2 we had to introduce a USER SVC to bypass this issue. Please refer to the manual to make the necessary changes in IEALPAxx, IEASVCxx and RA/7 SAMPLIB to install/support the user SVC.
The product works the same as per RA/7 Version 3.5.3 - The RA/7 SMF exits must be defined in SMFPRMxx.
AS OF Z/OS 1.13 and higher - THE IBM MODULE IRRADU00 has a RACROUTE imbedded due to code page issues. This created an Abend S684 under ISPF. With RA/7 Version 4.2 we had to introduce a USER SVC to bypass this issue. Please refer to the manual to make the necessary changes in IEALPAxx, IEASVCxx and RA/7 SAMPLIB to install/support the user SVC.
Z/OS RACF Report Writer
Installation&Users Guide